Physics is one of the most interesting subjects. The only thing is that when you study it, you need to understand it thoroughly. Otherwise, what will happen when you go on to study the next topic? You know that you have to use the concepts from the previous topic, so in that case, if you don’t remember your previous concepts, then what will happen? You will start finding it difficult with your next concept.
One more important thing is that math is the language of science, so you should understand basic math completely—whatever you’ve studied so far in your 10th class. Along with that, mathematical tools (Basic Maths) will also be useful as we start, in each chapter. If you are able to understand all these topics, I’m sure you’ll grasp physics throughout the year.
The key takeaway is: don’t miss a single class and complete every assignment. If you do this regularly, you won’t have to do extra work or feel panicked. Whenever you have doubts, please feel free to contact me directly to clear them up!
complete section vice cuisines in homework along with your classes. After completing each and every chapter give 2 to 3 Tates of that chapter to understand that whether you have understand the concept completely are not fourth. You’ll find pujas after each section. Whenever you going to complete or if you see our live classes after a heavy live class in your course. You’ll see some quizzes so you have to attend the causes. Every time after the class I before the class in whatever assignments we? Music given to you, you have to submit that assignment before the time. Don’t wait for the last day, play music.